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I've come across a fun website feature that has been appearing mainly on developers' personal sites: a Guestbook page where users can sign in and...
Alright, here's the scenario: You're a front-end developer who was just given a stunning custom font from your designers, and they're incredibly...
The much-awaited JavaScript Swiss Army knife, Bun, has finally released its 1.0 version, and it's a game-changer. If you're new to the scene, Bun...
Why you should always pick TypeScript over JavaScript in 2023 · The developer community has been set abuzz by DHH's recent Twitter announcement: Turbo 8...
Use the AWS CDK and TypeScript to build a Lambda Function that triggers a CloudWatch Alarm that sends an email when an invocation error occurs. · In this...
TL;DR I built a Wordle Clone using Next.js, TailwindCSS, and TypeScript. Source code at https://github.com/alexkates/wordlol Running at...